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All-round Visibility in the Outback

All-round Visibility in the Outback

The Subaru Outback is designed to minimise blind spots, reduce line of sight obstructions and provide excellent visibility in all directions. Body pillar widths are minimised wherever possible, without compromising safety, to increase windscreen area and visibility. The front is designed to give you a better awareness of the Outback’s dimensions, while reversing visibility is given special attention for peace of mind in driveway situations and around busy school zones.

Subaru Outback AWD Touring shown with optional extra Nappa leather tan trim.

Second pair of eyes

Subaru’s renowned technologies include the unrivalled ‘Driver Assist system’ called EyeSight®. EyeSight® is your second pair of eyes that monitors the road ahead and recognises potentially dangerous driving situations. Using three-dimensional images captured by stereo cameras mounted behind the front windscreen, EyeSight® provides audible and visual warnings to prompt the driver to take action. Depending on general visibility, it has a length of vision up to 130 metres. Apart from these built-in driver alert functions, EyeSight® will also apply automatic braking intervention, when necessary, to help avoid or reduce the severity of a detected frontal collision.


Subaru Outback AWD Touring shown

Rear-view reverse camera
EyeSight<sup>®</sup> Driver Assist<sup>1</sup>

EyeSight® Driver Assist technology

Through more than 30 years of development and many real-world tests and evaluation, EyeSight® has been developed to respond to many individual market’s traffic conditions. With multiple incredible features, EyeSight® works with Subaru’s acclaimed collision avoidance and collision protection technologies, working together to provide improved protection for you and your family.

Subaru Outback AWD Touring shown

Subaru’s Driver Monitoring System

Watching out for you, this innovative new system monitors the driver’s face for signs of fatigue or distraction and provides an audible and visual warning if it detects signs of fatigue or that the driver is not focused on the road ahead. The system is also clever enough to recognise the face of up to five registered drivers and will sync each driver's preferred settings including air-conditioning and MID display settings. Subaru Outback AWD Touring and Outback AWD Touring XT can also sync each driver's seat and door mirror position. Now that's clever!


*Driver Monitoring System performance and capability dependent on environmental and technical conditions. Refer to Owner’s Manual for full details.

Subaru Outback AWD Touring shown

Eliminate blind spots
Assistance at the ready

Subaru’s Vision Assist

Subaru’s Vision Assist is advanced technology that gives you greater awareness of the world around you.

Reverse Automatic Braking (RAB) senses and alerts you when it detects an obstacle behind you that you’re at risk of hitting. Plus it can even step in to apply the brakes in the event that you don’t.

Blind Spot Monitor (BSM) features sensors that let you know when there’s something in a blind spot to help make lane changes safer.

Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) can warn you that another car is approaching when reversing out of a car space. Cutting-edge technology to help keep your family safe.

Subaru’s Driver Monitoring System

Safety starts with an improved chassis and a body frame reinforced to increase frontal, side and rear crash safety. Designated crumple zones are designed to direct impact energy away from the reinforced passenger safety cell, while SRS¹ airbags including dual front, dual front side, dual curtain, driver’s knee and front passenger seat cushion are designed to protect occupants. The Boxer engine sits low in the engine bay, and is designed to help protect occupants by sliding below the cabin not into it - in the event of a severe frontal collision.

1. SRS: Supplemental Restraint System. Effective when used in conjunction with seatbelts.

Eliminate blind spots